
On this page, you will be able to read a number of different cases detailing our collaboration with public and private companies.

The Danish Defense:
Building a new course platform

From old systems and long lines of heavy, administrative procedures, to a fully digitised workflow with a full overview of training courses. The armed forces have come a long way in their business development, and there are still great ambitions for the future.

The Capital Region has automated their competence management

With Plan2learn, Region H has gained control and an overview of their employees' skills. Today, they teach over 45,000 employees in the platform. Read more about how courses and competencies are handled in unison by reading the case.

Falck: We streamlined our course offering

Falck wanted a new platform to handle their large range of courses. After the switch to plan2learn, Falck has streamlined the administration of its course offering, and now saves both time and resources in their administration.

Force Technology digitises course catalogue with blended learning

Force Technology has created a series of blended learning courses that mix virtual teachings with practical training and experiences. Read more about their progress in the case.

Region Sjælland has gained effective course management

Region Sjælland faced a change of course platform, and wanted a system that could lift their handling of courses and e-learning. Now the administration of their courses has become much easier and faster, both in how they are made and the way they are conducted.

Aabenraa has digitized its onboarding

After a major digitization, Aabenraa Municipality now saves both time and effort in their course administration. In addition, they have built a wide range of unique onboarding processes that adapt to the new employees' responsibilities in Social and The Health Administration.

Esbjerg Municipality has automated their onboarding

With plan2learn, Esbjerg Municipality has built a completely automatic onboarding process that ensures a smooth start for new employees and saves the municipality 1,200 hours of work annually.

Esbjerg kommune onboarding

Gladsaxe gets a happy summer with easy administration

Gladsaxe Municipality has once again offered their annual 68 different summer holiday activities for the municipality's children. With the help of plan2learn to automate the administraton workflow, it has been easier than ever before for the employees of the municipality.

Hvidovre Hospital is digitising their first aid dolls

At Hvidovre Hospital, a connection has been created between the rescue mannequins, on which employees practice their first aid skills, and their learning portal in plan2learn. This saves manual resources, while CPR courses are now much more accessible.

We collaborate with Denmark's largest organisations

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