Many organizations find it difficult to assess how the competencies of their employees match the organisation's strategy. For example, if the employees have the necessary skills to solve their assigned tasks.
With plan2learn, you can keep track and manage your employees' development, so that you avoid a competence gap. This allows you to plan courses and upskilling initiatives on a data-driven basis, and allow you to carry out strategic competence development.

Personal training
Build unique upskilling plans for specific employees or departments. This allows for more personal and engaging learning.
Strategic leadership
Easy for managers to keep track of individual employees and their progress. Quickly learn how far an employee has progressed and which courses have already been completed.
Tailor made learning
With upskilling plans and target groups for different departments, you will always hit the right employees with the right learning - simple and automatic
A complete skill overview
With plan2learn's skill development, you can easily keep track of all your employees, their skills and which training courses they are undertaking.
From here, it will be easy to discover where there could be a skills gap, and plan training courses for the right employees.
You will be able to build a learning process with both courses, quizzes, peer training and other learning activities.
- Keep track of the skills in your organisation
- Build personal learning experiences that matches your needs
- Identify and solve your skill gaps
Intuitive for your employees
Your employees will easily be able to keep an overview of their learning process, as all their activities, courses and skills are gathered in one place.
All your learning courses will be presented in a simple dashboard, where the employee can track their various activities, access relevant material and start their competence development.
An employee will be able to quickly find their learning material when they are on the move, as the platform can be accessed on all devices.
- A simple method of tracking your upskilling activities
- Skills and activities all in one place
- Accessible on all devices
An essential tool for any leader
As a manager, you can easily keep track of all your employees and what skills they have achieved. You will easily be able to set up specific skill requirements, descriptions and tasks that are necessary to fulfill the compliance rules.
You can easily monitor employees' progress towards completing the mandatory training activities, and plan2learn provides automatic documentation.
- The manager has an overview of relevant skills in the organization
- Quickly register employees for learning courses
- Approve tasks and get secure documentation of competences
The Capital Region has automated their skill management
"We have built a large number of different courses that adapt to specific employees. We have over 45,000 employees, whom conduct their training through the system, and plan2learn keeps track of the documentation of the individual employee's skill development"
– Jesper Melek Nielsen – Business development, Region Hovedstaden
You need to conduct onboarding
You must ensure that your employees acquire the right skills so that they are ready to excel at their new workplace. You can do this with the help of a thorough introduction to the organisation's values, objectives and internal security procedures. In plan2learn, you can tailor a course to ensure that your new employees obtain the necessary knowledge and are able to act in compliance with the workplace's guidelines.
You need to document certain skills
According to Danish law, you must be able to document your employees' skills in certain areas. For example, if an employee must have completed a first aid coursein order to be able to carry out their work. Plan2learn helps you plan the employees' training course, as well as the documentation of the acquired skills. Competence development in plan2learn can also be integrated into your shift planning system.
You need to transfer responsibilites
En af dine medarbejdere stopper og du har derfor brug for at vide, hvilke kompetencer du mister. Med kompetenceudvikling i plan2learn har du mulighed for at kompensere for de tabte færdigheder. Du kan nemt se, hvilken viden der skal overdrages, inden medarbejderen forlader arbejdspladsen. Endelig, kan du planlægge et opkvalificeringsforløb til en given medarbejder, svarende til de kompetencer du mister, så du sikrer at off-boarding processen forløber optimalt for din organisation.