The Capital Region has automated their skill management

"A manager can easily use the system to keep track of the employees' skill development and follow up on missing skills or act on those nearing their expiration date. We have staff who bounce around a lot between hospitals. Previously, they often had to take the same courses again at their new workplace, as their documentation did not transfer. Now you can easily find their skill profile in the platform, and this is an incredible time saver for the employees"

That's according to Jesper Melek Nielsen, who is a Business Developer at The Capital Region. With Plan2learn, the Region has gained an overview of employee skills across departments and hospitals. In addition, they have built a number of training courses, which now educates over 45,000 employees.

A need for documentation

The Center for HR and Education in The Capital Region was not satisfied with their handling of courses and learning processes. In particular, they had noticed a problem with the documentation of the employees' skills. The region's hospitals handled education and documentation independently of each other, which meant that the relevant knowledge was stored exclusively in the heads of the hospital's employees.

"We had problems with knowledge regarding education, courses and documentation being split across the various hospitals. You had to go down to the individual department and ask how much time they spent on teaching. That is why we wanted more structure and control, so that we could more easily meet the requirements within accreditation in the healthcare system" says Jesper Melek Nielsen.

An accreditation visit may entail that a hospital must be able to demonstrate documentation of individual employees' competencies. The Capital Region assessed that it was too difficult to keep track of such vital information in their current situation.

"During accreditation visits, we had to be able to present documents on individual employees, so that we could prove that they had the required skills. We kept track of the various skills in Word and Excel, and it took up far too much of our time. We also had to keep an eye on which skills were about to expire and had to be re-certified" elaborates Jesper Melek Nielsen.

"We have built a large number of different courses that adapt to specific employees. We have over 45,000 employees, who conduct their training through the system, and plan2learn keeps track of the documentation of the individual employee's skill development"
- Jesper Melek Nielsen, Business Developer at The Capital Region

A complete overview of education and skills

Plan2learn was already in use on a smaller scale at the region, and after a short dialogue between both parties, an action plan was put in place to meet their updated needs. The first major training course that the region set up in Plan2learn was a course detailing the Health Platform. Since then, many of the workflows that have to do with education and training are now handled through the platform.

"We have built a large number of different courses that adapt to specific employees. We have over 45,000 employees, who conduct their training through the system, and plan2learn keeps track of the documentation of the individual employee's skill development" says Jesper Melek Nielsen.

With the region's new approach to teaching, it has also become easier to maintain an overview for the various managers at the hospitals.

"A manager can easily use the system to keep track of the employees' skill development and follow up on missing skills or act on those nearing their expiration date. We have staff who bounce around a lot between hospitals. Previously, they often had to take the same courses again at their new workplace, as their documentation did not transfer. Now you can easily find their skill profile in the platform, and this is an incredible time saver for the employees" says Jesper Melek Nielsen.

Want to learn more about strategic skill development?

Questionnaires have big potential

The questionnaire function in Plan2learn is also widely used in the Region, which Jesper Melek Nielsen says has been essential in ensuring employees' well-being.

"We have built a complete set-up with questionnaires, which means we have created the necessary target groups and can activate them immediately. With this, we can send out a questionnaire at a day's notice, and carry out ongoing well-being measurements. This was also a big reason why we were able to make the largest measurement of patient safety culture in the world, where we sent out questionnaires to 30,000 employees.” says Jesper Melek Nielsen.

The future plans for Plan2learn are big in the region, and at the time of writing they are helping with the development of a new onboarding concept for the platform.

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