ESG Policy

ESG – The ProOffice group wants to make a difference

As part of the ProOffice Group, Plan2learn believes in mutual cooperation with our business partners, which must contribute actively to a positive and sustainable societal development within climate, management and social conditions.

As such, demonstrating responsibility to the environment and the individuals involved in the development and delivery of our services is an integral part of our business.

At the same time, we constantly work to minimize our impact on the climate, as we understand the importance of acting responsibly for a more sustainable future.

E - Environmental

Environmental deals with environmental factors and initiatives, where the focus is on reducing our negative impact on the planet.

S - Social

Social focuses on what the company does to contribute to society, such as initiatives for equality, inclusion and better working conditions.

G - Governance

Governance deals with how the company ensures transparency, accountability and strong ethics.

Our overall ESG policy is based on the UN Global Compact's ten principles and reflects the objectives behind the UN's 17 sustainability goals.

At ProOffice Gruppen, we strive to be:

An honest, trustworthy and responsible software house: We commit to a high level of ethics and integrity in our business practices. Through openness and accountability, we want to maintain a relationship of trust with our stakeholders.

A climate-friendly software company: We recognize our role in the green transition and undertake to reduce our environmental impact. Through sustainable business methods and innovations, we strive to be a positive force for the planet.

A diverse and safe workplace: We value diversity and create an inclusive work culture. We aim to ensure a safe and supportive workplace where all employees thrive and can develop their full potential.

ESG - Policy

In this PDF you will be able to read our overall ESG policy for the Prooffice Group APS.

This includes the various principles that have helped guide our ESG initiatives, as well as our environmental, social responsibility and governance focus points. 

Download vores ESG politik (DK)

Download our ESG policy (ENG)

ESG – Report 2023

In this PDF you will be able to read the ProOffice Group's ESG report for 2023.

This includes our spending for the past year, which initiatives we have launched and a material matrix.

Download our ESG report for 2023 (ENG)

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