FORCE Technology had long considered the benefits of digitising their range of courses and training activities. When the corona epidemic suddenly set a natural deadline on the project, the pace was immediately picked up. Today, they now offer a wide range of blended learning courses within their IDP area. Here, virtual education is mixed with practical training, which gives flexibility and saves FORCE many manual resources.
FORCE Technology digitises course offerings with blended learning
Digitisation of bussines model
FORCE Technology is a GTS (Approved Technological Service Company), and specializes in developing technological infrastructures of both facilities, technologies and skills, which will ultimately benefit both the business world and our society. Their vision is to make the world safer and more sustainable, by being the leading force of change in its field.
As part of this vision, Force Technology is the provider of a wide range of courses and training within a vast amount of subject areas in their Force Academy . One of these areas is non-destructive testing, where materials are examined for errors and defects via, among other things, ultrasound and X-rays.
Within this particular area, FORCE Technology wanted to digitise their course offering. When corona began to sweep across the country shortly afterwards, it only accelerated the process.
"We had planned the switch to a digital model for a long time, so when we were met by the corona shutdown, we were faced with a choice. Either we had to shut down, or we had to start the transition immediately" says Per-Arvid Lid, Head of Division Training & Certification at FORCE Technology.
"By putting the theoretical teaching as e-learning modules, the course participants can access their learning exactly when it fits their schedule. We use different materials, in the form of documents or in-depth videos of the subject matter. As part of the course, we also have instructors who make presentations about the various subjects in Teams. The trainees can use the video material to prepare for these presentations, or simply repeat the subject matter until they feel satisfied” - Per-Arvid Lid, Head of Division Training & Certification at Force Technology
Blended learning becomes the new standard
Force Technology contacted Plan2learn, and through a long collaboration, they have now developed a new, digital education model. A course participant can still choose to take an e-learning course as a single module, but otherwise all courses will be conducted as blended learning courses.
Blended learning is a combination of e-learning and face-to-face education in a single course. As such, the student can gain theoretical knowledge online in e-learning modules, and then attend the practical education modules in person.
"By putting the theoretical teaching as e-learning modules, the course participants can access their learning exactly when it fits their schedule. We use different materials, in the form of documents or in-depth videos of the subject matter. As part of the course, we also have instructors who make presentations about the various subjects in Teams. The trainees can use the video material to prepare for these presentations, or simply repeat the subject matter until they feel satisfied” elaborates Per-Arvid Lid.
The physical part of the education is still handled as face-to-face teaching, where the students go through various exercises and training with a teacher. This could involve using the different methods that they have prepared for in the e-learning modules.
"The great advantage of blended learning is the variety of learning that the student goes through during the course. They can go through as much theory during preparation as they feel is necessary to be ready for the practical training and eventually their certification. The in-person education takes place with an instructor, where they are allowed to use their newly acquired knowledge in practice. The various e-learning modules can also be easily replaced if we want to update the material” elaborates Per-Arvid Lid.
E-learning to become a key part of business
With a greater digitisation initiative, as the one FORCE Technology is undertaking, full control over documentation and a broad overview of the course offering is required.
"We use plan2learn for documentation when one of our students completes a course. As soon as a course has been completed, the trainee's new skill will be automatically created in the system. We have a full overview of the different digital classrooms and which material is connected to different courses" says Per-Arvid Lid.
The first results have brought great excitement at Force Technology, and now the initiative must be spread over a larger part of the course portfolio.
"Corona made the transition necessary, but we definitely plan to continue with these blended learning courses. They are here to stay. We have many other courses that we would like to digitise in the same way” ends Per-Arvid Lid.